About Arron Day & BlackJack

Blackjack first appeared in comics in 1996 under the banner of DAP (Dark Angel Publishing) Comics. The first three-issue mini-series was called “Second Bite of the Cobra” and introduced Arron to the world. In this story line we meet Arron as an adult in New York City, while events a world away in Egypt cause him to return to the region where he is reunited with Silas Lincoln, a white man from Arkansas and his deceased father’s best friend. Together with the beautiful and exotic Maryam and a group of mercenaries, they must defeat a Bedouin warlord threatening peace in the region.
This series was met with critical and commercial success. It was followed by the second Blackjack mini-series “Blood & Honor” which revealed further details regarding the character’s origin and this time transported Arron to Japan and China.
About Alex Simmons

Alex has written professionally for over 30 years, bringing to dynamic life legendary heroes including Batman, Superman, Archie, Scooby Doo, Tarzan, and Sherlock Holmes, and creating his own projects (The Raven League, The Demon Chronicles). He has been published by Disney Books, Simon & Schuster, Penguin Books, DC Comics, Archie Comics, Hyperion Books for Kids, Ballantine Books, and Dark Angel Productions.
A true people’s visionary, Alex sees what is missing from our culture and creates what is needed. He founded and produces the much-celebrated Kids Comic Con that for 11 years has offered a place to enjoy comics and animation in a safe family environment. He also co-created and produced the Color of Comicstravelling museum exhibit that traces the influence and impact on comics of a diverse collection of creators and characters of color.

This is where you will be able to check out the any and all news for Black Jack and Black Jack Adventures. Posting will be as often as possible and can give you all the news you will need for this website. Read more below to find out today!

We certainly can’t know everything – though the Internet places a lot more information at our fingertips if we bother to look for it. But when we discover something worthwhile, we should at least try to hold on to it.

I’ve been asked this question, in various forms, since I first pitched the concept in the late 1980s. Needless to say – but I’ll say it anyway – I’ve tried to answer it a dozen different ways.
The questioning didn’t stop when I ceased publishing in 2000, and now that I’ve decided to re-launch, the question has come at me again with even more …”enthusiasm.” So, here is yet another manner in which I will address the three tier query, Why now, why the past, why Blackjack?
Answer, phase one … Revelation. Because of these people, and people like them.

A black man in his late twenties, or early thirties. Arron is a soldier of fortune, a human target, a professional adventurer, a challenger of death … a man alone.
Arron owns a brownstone house in the west 70s of Manhattan. How he acquired it (“a colored man in the 1930s”) is a mystery to some, and an irritation to many of his neighbors. The house is furnished with many antiques, and items from other lands. It is his sanctuary. From here he goes forth to face any danger, or retreats into isolation and peace.
Adventure and Fun Await You
More on BlackJack
Art Gallery
The art gallery for Blackjack will not only include covers and artwork but will also include art never before seen until now.
Checkout the latest art today!
The Stories
Here’s where we keep the untold written and recorded adventures of Arron Day.
Find out more by clicking below.
Heart of Evil
Since I first entered this business, as a small independent creator/publisher, I’ve tried to keep my fans aware of the journey – pro and con. My team’s hard work and the reactions of the fans made my creation, BLACKJACK, much more successful than I had hoped.
· We have cogitated, conversed, and conceived of ways to improve the situation. The Blackjack story, “Color of Courage” (illustrated by Steve Ellis) was just published in the Netherlands (by LoneJim Comics), and their audience loved it. We’ll be providing a few new visual appetizers over the next 5 months!
Day of The Hunter
Blackjack and Tarzan in, DAY OF THE HUNTER.
Tarzan investigates a mysterious disease that is killing humans and animals alike, he uncovers a fiendish killer and a dark hunter who’ll challenge even Tarzan to claim his prey.
The original strip ran Sundays in 2002 for 20 weeks.
Past Covers
BlackJack Cover
BlackJack Cover
Independent Comic Book Featuring The Adventures of Arron Day.
BlackJack Cover
BlackJack Cover
Independent Comic Book Featuring The Adventures of Arron Day.
BlackJack Cover
BlackJack Cover
Independent Comic Book Featuring The Adventures of Arron Day.
BlackJack Cover
BlackJack Cover
Independent Comic Book Featuring The Adventures of Arron Day.
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